A MAN who denies rape yesterday told a jury at Oxford Crown Court he didn’t know if his memory loss was down to alcohol or sleepwalking.

Maximillian Hessel, of Peat Moors, Headington, Oxford, is accused of raping a woman in June last year.

It is claimed the 22-year-old carried out the crime in the early hours of the morning, after he had been drinking heavily and smoking cannabis.

Sarah Gaunt, prosecuting, said forensic evidence proved sexual activity took place between Hessel and the complainant, who cannot be identified.

But giving evidence, the defendant told the jury he only remembers going to sleep and waking up with a woman shouting at him.

During cross-examination, Miss Gaunt asked if his memory loss could be because he was drunk, rather than asleep.

She asked “Is it possible that all of it could be related to alcohol?”

Hessel answered: “I think there can always be such a possibility.”

Miss Gaunt added: “So we can agree on that?”

Hessel replied: “It might be, but I don’t think it is the same.”

He added: “I am not an expert in this field, so I can only tell you I can’t remember, not why.”

The trial continues.