WHEN he pulled up to McDonalds to get a Big Mac in the middle of his shift, this paramedic didn’t park in a regular space.

Instead he pulled into a disabled space in front of the doors.

According to South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) the medic had been on shift since 7am, and had just pulled in for a “comfort break” when he was caught on camera, right, by Abingdon resident Perry Granville.

Mr Granville, 34, from Abingdon, is a full time carer for his wife Georgina, who has a rare condition, trigeminal neuralgia, which means she is paralysed down her right side.

Mr Granville snapped the snacking paramedic at 11.24am on Thursday.

He said: “There were plenty of normal spaces but he decided to reverse up outside the front door. I think it’s lazy.”

SCAS spokesman James Keating-Wilkes said: “The paramedic had been on shift since 7am. He was on call, and had just pulled in for a comfort break.

“He has put his hands up and admitted he was parked in the disabled space, but he would definitely have moved had anyone needed it.

“We have discussed the incident with him and reminded him of the protocol and procedures for parking.”