TOURISM worker Charlie Scroggs, 21, pictured trying on body armour, was among visitors to a Territorial Army open day.

The visitor services assistant at Woodstock’s Blenheim Palace visited Edward Brooks Barracks, Abingdon, on Tuesday.

The event was hosted by A Company 7 Rifles in a bid to recruit more people into the reserves.

Mr Scroggs, of Chipping Norton, is considering joining the TA to “spice up my life”.

He said: “I’ve been in the same routine and seeing the same faces for a while. Life in the forces seems very different to normal working life and I like the idea of a challenge.”

Lance Corporal Tim Smith – who works in data entry – said: “The 7 Rifles is for anyone looking for a challenge. There’s always the chance of being called out and I served in Afghanistan for six months in the regular army.

“It was then that I realised how much my training paid off.”

Soldiers are employed part-time and can also train in areas such as combat medics and military chefs.