WITH less than a month to go before the annual Oxford Town and Gown 10k race, runners are beginning to step up their training.

The Oxford Mail-backed run, which raises money for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, takes place on May 12. Novice runner Kelly Sambrook, 37, whose nephew, John, has muscular dystrophy, talks us through her training diary...

DISASTER has struck – my running campaign has temporarily stalled owing to a dodgy knee.

Fingers crossed that once I’ve seen a physio I’ll be back on track.

Angela, my sister-in-law, ran the London Marathon after my nephew John was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

She assures me that problems like this can be part and parcel of training and that it will soon pass.

Angela is a lady who never takes a break.

She and her family are currently training a puppy to assist and be a companion for John.

She’s also taking part in the Oxford Town and Gown 10k and has recently got stuck back into training.

Although I’ve run before I need to go right back to the drawing board.

It helps mentally knowing I can do it – although my leg muscles may disagree when I start putting one foot in front of the other.

I’ve always ran with a friend before but this time I’m going to have to get going on my own, which I find really hard.

My running partner has been keeping up her running while I’ve been drinking tea and eating biscuits.

Together we’ll be fundraising for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign by running the Town and Gown.

One of my nephew John’s nurses told the family he volunteers for a charity called Over the Wall, which organises camps for children with illness or disability, their families and siblings.

John and his sister Hannah think this sounds great, so we are going to give a family camp a go. Hannah is already excited about the idea of trying out the zip wire with John.

There is nothing like good news to speed a recovery, and at this rate I’ll be running again in no time.

We’ve heard that a fundraising auction for an all-terrain electric wheelchair in March raised £22,000 in one night.

The family would like to say thanks to the generosity of the people who bid for lots ranging from temporary ‘ownership’ of a rubber duck in the village duck race (£210) to a Tuscan holiday.

The chair has been ordered and a very happy and excited John is working with his Dad to finalise the design for the paintwork.

He has also been busy watching clips of it in action on YouTube in preparation.

John is now keen to join in the Town and Gown 10k... in his new chair.

  • For more information on the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Town and Gown 10k, or to register, visit townandgown10k.com