EIGHTY senior citizens were invited to St Swithun’s School in 1988 to have tea and listen to pupils singing. Infant and junior children sang while the older children served and looked after the guests. In the picture, immeditately below, Laura Sutton, left, and Kate Warner, both nine, are seen serving Joyce and Edward Massey.

An evening to celebrate the customs of Tonga in the South Pacific was organised at the village Methodist Church in 1988. The middle picture shows Michael Carter, three, Cressida Kirkland, five, and Howard Feather, three, trying on Tongan masks. The evening also included Tongan cooking, a collection of island crafts and a slide show on the islands.

The bottom picture was taken in 1991 when benches were installed in the grounds of St Swithun’s School. Trying them out in the bottom picture are, left to right, Hissam Kahn, eight, Sophie Brown, seven, Jonathon Stiff, seven, and Olivia Jones, seven, watched by Ian Coote, whose firm made the benches from trees blown down at Grove, and headteacher Mike Allcock.