THESE children starred in a production of Snow White.

The pantomime was performed by members of Eynsham Women’s Institute drama group.

The picture comes from June Pettet and her daughter Michaela, who were both in the cast.

They were prompted to send it in, with the picture on Page 21, after seeing Bryan Duffield’s photographs of some of the group’s other shows (Memory Lane, January 28).

June, who lives at Cumnor, writes: “What lovely memories those photographs brought back to me – I was one of the ladies in them. As you said, we included some of our children in the shows – they all enjoyed taking part.

“This gorgeous photograph of our little darlings, right, shows them in 1971. I am sure they would all be thrilled to see themselves as they were then, especially as they are now all married with children of their own.”

June was a Sprite along with Pat Green and can still remember her line: “I am the spirit of the wood. I would help you if I could!”

The children in the picture are: Standing, from left to right – Sian Turner, Anne Woodman, Tina Holiday, Caroline Wright, Anne Green, Jackie Sharp, Priscilla Alder, Debbie Sharp, Mandy Duffield, Karen Mills, Nicola Mills Sitting – Ian Green, ?, Jeremy Pettet, Michael Evans, ?, Julie Woodman. Can anyone fill in the gaps?

  • Creatures of the Forest: see page 21