FORMER Oxford Brookes University vice-chancellor Prof Graham Upton was sworn in as the new High Sheriff of Oxfordshire yesterday at Oxford Crown Court.

Prof Upton, pictured, can now claim to be the holder of the oldest secular office in the country outside the monarchy.

The first High Sheriff of Oxfordshire is thought to have been a man called Wynsige, who was appointed 71 years before the Norman Conquest.

But the extensive powers associated with the job have dwindled.

The role is voluntary, unpaid and non-political and largely involves attending ceremonial, community and charity events.

Prof Upton, who became vice-chancellor of Brookes in 1997 and held the post for a decade, said the theme for his year as High Sheriff would be “celebrating diversity”.

He said: “My objective is to promote better understanding between the diverse groups which make up the Oxfordshire community.”

Nominations for the post are sent to the Privy Council and a panel of judges for a decision.

Prof Upton is pictured, inset, being awarded his medal for the role by the outgoing High Sheriff, William Alden.

Over his year as sheriff Prof Upton said he would be an active fundraiser, with plans to support the Cowley Road Carnival, Oxford United Women’s Football, Oxford Playhouse and Emmaus, the charity that supports former homeless people.

Picture: OX5848 Andrew Walmsley