A MAN who stands accused of rape has told a jury he was “shocked” when he was informed of the allegation against him.

Maximillian Hessel, of Peat Moors, Headington, Oxford, denies one count of rape which he is alleged to have committed in June last year.

The 22-year-old is accused of carrying out the crime in the early hours of the morning.

Yesterday, Oxford Crown Court heard evidence from Hessel that he had been drinking and smoking cannabis and that he couldn’t remember exactly what had taken place.

Earlier this week it was suggested by the prosecution that “sleepwalking” could be put forward as part of Hessel’s defence.

Jeannie Mackie, defending, questioned him about the version of events put forward by the complainant.

She said: “The evidence she gave is that when she woke up you were on top of her. Do you remember that?”

Hessel replied: “No.”

The barrister asked him what his reaction was when he was accused of raping the woman.

He said: “I was shocked and I couldn’t believe it. My brain was really messed up.”

The trial continues.