SEXUAL exploitation and trafficking will be discussed in Oxford tomorrow.

Voice for Justice UK has organised a conference, entitled Fighting Sexual Exploitation, taking place at St Aldate’s Church.

Speakers will include MPs Jim Dobbin and Michael Connarty, Hope for Justice CEO Ben Cooley and a representative of the Metropolitan Police.

Voice for Justice UK CEO, the Rev Lynda Rose, said: “Every month society seems beset by fresh scandal. The fabric of our society is under attack.

“We have a duty to protect our young people, and if that involves facing uncomfortable truths to deal with the problem at source, then so be it.”

The conference aims to explain the scale of the problem in Oxford and beyond and will discuss ways to clamp down on it.

To attend the conference, visit l The Operation Bullfinch trial, which has seen nine men tried for sexually exploiting young girls in Oxford, will resume at the Old Bailey on Tuesday. They deny all the charges.