I WRITE in response to yet another letter from Elaine Bennett about Oxford City Council’s planning service.

A number of ill-informed, unsubstantiated accusations are made. Old Marston Parish Council is always consulted when planning applications are received that fall within parish boundaries.

The council’s address database automatically picks these up. A letter and plans are then sent to the parish council for comment and consultation.

I understand that the chairman has raised concerns about a recent planning application but it is not clear whether the system has failed or there has been a mistake over an application.

Of course, City Development will check to see what has happened when the disputed addresses are known.

However, the letter from Ms Bennett is a mystery. She is not on the parish council and so far as I know has no privileged access to parish files and records.

She names Cllr Clarkson and myself as responsible for these apparent problems with the consultation process.

I am not a city councillor for Marston ward but I do know that Mary Clarkson is very careful to keep the parish council informed of all planning issues.

Oddly, Ms Bennett is a good friend of the Independent ward councillor for Marston, yet he is not accused of not helping the parish council in this matter.

Indeed, he has openly said that he finds the planning process so complex that he has asked Cllr Clarkson to deal with any and all planning issues, because she is best able to deal with them given her experience and capability.

City councillor for Headington Hill & Northway