HAVING voted twice against the St Clement’s car-park student blocks, I’m sad to see that building has started.

However, we are where we are, and we must move forward. It’s good that city council officers are offering information and help to traders and residents to mitigate the nuisance of the building.

I put one trader in touch with the developers who offered to put up a screen, and I’m happy to provide my good offices for other traders if they contact me.

Officers are also keen to promote the area as a great place to shop and eat – but I told them please to think again about the posters, which didn’t have enough punch.

They also need to use radio, TV, and social media. Though more parking spaces are freed up during the building, they may not be enough.

I’m glad at least that there will be an attendant and electronic signs to warn drivers when all spaces are full. We now have to turn our attention to parking for customers of East Oxford businesses generally.

The well-received Divinity Road area controlled parking zone shows what can be done through careful consultation and when local councillors like me are involved in the planning.

The East Area Forum has asked me to look at parking demand and supply in the St Clement’s and Cowley Road area and I would like to hear from readers who have views and ideas.

City councillor, St Clement’s Ward (Lib-Dem)
James Street