I HEARD on TV Mrs Thatcher being called an evil woman and that it was her who is to blame for the state of this country.

Oh, come on! One woman messes the country up and never mind the men before or after her.

She went at it like a bull in a china shop and spoke down to people, I agree with that, and it lost her many votes, but to call her evil and blame her for everything is out of order.

I didn’t agree with most of her ways, but even 20 years until she died people were gobbing off.

If that’s fair, then we should have a go at prime ministers from the very first one, not just one woman.

Stop throwing your toys out of your prams: there’s plenty of room for people wanting jobs.

Send a CV to 10 Downing Street and get the present one out. Spend 20 or so years gobbing off at him: now that sounds fair to me.

Abbey Woods Close