DISCUSSIONS are under way to install a £70,000 outdoor gym in Oxford’s Cowley Marsh Park.

The money has already been approved in Oxford City Council’s budget for the project in Marsh Road and the details are expected to be confirmed in the next few months.

The free gym will take the form of an exercise trial, with different workstations, and should be installed by March next year.

Outdoor gyms can include a variety of equipment including a chest press and pull, high bars and cross trainers.

Cowley Marsh city councillor Saj Malik said: “I think it will be a wonderful facility for residents in East Oxford and Cowley Marsh.

“People need to keep fit and have exercise and this will help.”

He said it will be suitable for young people and adults and added: “Particularly it will be something for the youth to do.

“They can go and keep themselves fit and have fun.

“Over the years we have got a new play area and a couple of years back a jogging track. It is a good addition to the area.

“It has to go through the proper planning process.

“At the moment the money has been set aside, so we welcome that.”

Trevor Williams, 69, chairman of the Old Temple Cowley Residents’ Association, said: “If you get people out exercising it’s a good thing, but whether it would be successful or not I don’t know. Whether this is the right place for it we will have to discuss.”

Arthur Davis, 83, of Crescent Road, said: “I think it is a good idea, anything that encourages people to use the park.

“It is an activity that doesn’t cause a lot of noise and it is good for people’s health.”

There are also proposals to put a similar facility in at Sunnymead Park in Cutteslowe following a survey by Cutteslowe Community Association which showed that residents backed the idea.

The group hopes to buy about nine exercise machines, including a skier, space walker, four-wheel spinner, rower, chest press and pull, body twister and back massager.

Adult and young people over 12 would be able to use the equipment and it would be located near the children’s playground.

Cutteslowe Community Association will apply to waste recycling organisation WREN for £30,000 funding and if successful will need to secure a further £4,000.

There is also an outdoor gym in Marston at the OXSRAD site.