A campaign for a free-to-use cash machine in Littlemore to help families on low incomes has been backed by Oxford East MP Andrew Smith.

Residents who need money have to use one of two cash points that charge £2 in Cowley Road, Littlemore, or walk to the nearest free ATM at Sainsbury’s in Heyford Hill.

Mr Smith backed a successful campaign for a machine at Barton Post Office in 2007.

He is now promoting the call for one in Littlemore, and said: “I strongly support the importance of getting a free cash machine in Littlemore and welcome the involvement of the parish council.

“I shall go to the Government’s Treasury and the banking association to press the case.”

The Families of Littlemore Action Group (FLAG) said people with young children who do not have a car, and those on low incomes, are hit hardest by the lack of a free cash machine.

Mum-of-four and FLAG member Lydia Harper, 37, from Minchery Road, said: “When I have no cash on me it means I have to walk somewhere with four children. I think it would be something that would be of great value, not just to myself.

“I think it is very important to try and push for this and save ourselves £2 every time we get cash out.”

Littlemore mum-of-three and FLAG chairman Charlotte Parsons, from Champion Way, said: “If you only have a tenner left in your account, you don’t want to spend £2 to get it out.

“People on low incomes or benefits would really benefit from a free cash point.”

The 30-year-old, who has mobility problems, does not drive so it is difficult for her to travel to a free cash machine.

Mum-of-one Ruth Lloyd, from Dudgeon Drive, said: “It would be very good as Sainsbury’s, for us, is not really on the way to anything else.

“I don’t want to have to pay to get my own money out.”

At a meeting of Littlemore Parish Council on Tuesday, councillors agreed to write to banks about the issue.

Parish clerk Pauline Jones said: “I will write to the banks and just see how they respond.”