Sir – Can anyone explain who is responsible for the decision to enable buses to have priority at the traffic lights on the A40 at the western end of Eynsham. One has the bizarre situation at busy times when the lights change like a Belisha beacon, turning red on the main road as soon as a bus gets
anywhere near.
Amazingly, this seems to apply to empty buses as well as full buses. Recently, I had a classic example where the traffic on the main road, having just started to flow, was stopped by an empty bus which came out from Eynsham, turned left and very soon went into the lay-by, no doubt to buy refreshments at the stall there.
These flashing traffic lights stop traffic on the main road with alarming frequency, creating tailbacks down to and around the roundabout further east. A lot of fuel is wasted by so many cars stopping and starting.
It seems a peculiar priority from the traffic planners/councillors. But who makes such decisions?
Enlightenment through your columns would be most interesting.
Roger Blackburn, Oxford