Sir – Thank you for giving West Papuan independence leader and Oxford resident Benny Wenda a voice in (Report, March 21) when the New Zealand Parliament has just slammed its door in his face.

Since Benny was given a safe haven here 10 years ago, Oxford has taken Benny and his just cause to heart in stark contrast to New Zealand.
Benny has addressed many meetings in our Parliament in Westminster at the invitation of current and former Oxford MPs and MEPs — Andrew Smith, Caroline Lucas and Evan Harris and the former Bishop of Oxford, Richard Harries, and met David Cameron when he was Leader of the Opposition.
Every year, on December 1, Oxford City Council flies the West Papuan flag (banned by Indonesia) from the Town Hall rooftop, even though the Indonesian Embassy once ‘phoned the Foreign Office to demand that Oxford police tear the flag down!
I will be writing to the New Zealand High Commissioner in London to ask why Benny was banned from speaking inside his Parliament building.
I also urge all fellow readers of The Oxford Times to write to their MP, asking what our own Government is doing for the cause of West Papuan freedom from Indonesian colonial rule.
Richard Samuelson, Middle Barton