WORK could start next month on a new youth centre for Wallingford.

Martin Thompson, a new youth worker, has now been appointed to help young people in the town.

Last year it was revealed a new youth centre costing more than £200,000 would be built in Wigod Way, instead of renovating an abandoned church in the street.

Town council leaders had planned to convert the former evangelical church after the youth club closed in Clapcot Way two years ago.

They then decided to demolish the church and build the new youth headquarters in its place.

Oxfordshire County Council has appointed Action for Children as a contractor to run a children’s centre from the same building.

Mr Thompson, 35, whose post is funded by the town council and Ridgeway Community Church, said: “When the new centre is built we can use it as a drop-in centre and staff working there can coordinate youth events at other venues in the town centre.”

Independent county councillor and town councillor Lynda Atkins said she hoped building work would start next month.

She added: “We have now gone out to tender and have asked about six local construction companies to put in tenders.

“I hope the new building will be completed and ready to open by this time next year.”

The building is being funded by the town council with £70,000 from the county council, and was given planning permission by South Oxfordshire District Council.