WHAT planet or universe does city councillor and executive member for city development, Colin Cook, come from? I am referring to the St Clement’s car park site article (Oxford Mail, April 10). He refers to the much-needed student accommodation required for the area.

He and fellow councillors have totally ignored local residents and businesses in allowing the sale and development of this site. If he thinks for one minute this development is going to free up family housing that is affordable to the normal working family then he needs help. This sale has shown the total apathy he and others have.

He also goes on to say: “This development will not only be of benefit to the local area but to the wider city and in the long-term it will bring more people into St Clement’s.”

Where will they be parking? Reduced parking will not bring in new customers to the area, they will pass St Clement’s by and the local businesses will suffer. While this council-backed development goes on, businesses have to fight for survival and the people of St Clement’s have to put up with even more congestion.

What next for our bungling council? I suppose as long as it has a £ sign in front of it, it has every chance of getting approved.

STEVEN BENNETT, Marston Road, Marston, Oxford