YOUR correspondent painted a lively picture of the public meeting on March 27 to discuss the design of the new Blavatnik School of Government building.

Concerns were raised and we are keen to engage seriously with those, but readers could be forgiven for thinking it was an entirely hostile discussion.

That was not the case. We invited written comments which showed a broad and balanced range of views with 11 critical, six neutral and eight enthusiastic about the design.

The range of comments — from “grotesque” to “magnificent” – shows that bold and striking design will always divide opinion. But we were grateful to the organisers, hosts and attendees from the Jericho community for engaging with a further opportunity to discuss the detailed design.

On that point, your article stated that the maximum building height is 26 metres: it is, in fact, 22 metres.

CALUM MILLER Chief Operating Officer of the Blavatnik School of Government Merton Street, Oxford