I AM fed up of reading in the newspapers and listening on the news about how hard done by people are on benefits as they are losing out, especially as they have brought in this so-called ‘bedroom tax’.

Newspeople always interview the single mum with two kids who are going to starve as their benefits are being docked. They never interview the pensioner who has to live on the small amount of pension they receive, many with no help at all, who do not know what money they are entitled to as there is no-one out there who can help them. But, rest assured, that so-called single mum and people on benefits have lots of people who tell them exactly what they are entitled to.

There is a simple solution to the problems that these people, who are said to be suffering, can adopt. Get rid of Sky, get rid of all mobile phones, stop smoking, start working out weekly menus and make food which can be frozen.

I live in a small three-bedroom house. My wife and I are lucky: we both work. We would love to have a bigger house, but we cannot speak to the mortgage people and ask for a bigger house for the same mortgage payment.

People also complain that their benefits are only being increased by one per cent. Well, my wages are not going up by one per cent. I still have to buy food and pay the bills which are going up on a daily basis. Who helps me out?

To cut a long story short, if you cannot afford it, do not buy it. Go and get a job, earn money, then go and buy it. Stop relying on someone else to buy it for you.

I get up at 6.30am, Monday to Friday, and I work a 50-hour week to pay my taxes for someone else to whinge that they are so hard done by.

PAUL DUNCAN, Orwell Drive, Didcot