FASHION magazine Vogue’s next front cover could feature a mum-of-three from Oxford.

That’s the dream of Botley resident Stella Moore, 22.

She is up on the catwalk this weekend to represent England against models from all over the world after beating 4,000 hopefuls from across the UK to reach the final 16 of Top Model UK catwalk competition on Saturday.

Last week, the single mum found out that judges have chosen her and just one other model to represent England in Top Model Worldwide.

Both Top Model UK and Top Model Worldwide take place on Saturday.

She will go head-to-head with competition from 40 countries. She said: “It is really soon now and it was brilliant to find out I was put forward.

“They are really critical when they put you forward because the models who come from around the world are really good. It will be tough.

“None of the other models have to walk for the world competition, so they have to be there at 12, but I’ll be modelling from 9am until 10pm.”

Miss Moore feared she might have to give up her dream of modelling after having Reggie, five, Reuben, four, and Tilly, two.

But she said now her youngest is no longer a baby she wanted to give it a go.

The finals, at The Hilton Metropole in London, are expected to attract an audience of 1,500 people.

Miss Moore will be judged by five industry experts over six catwalks in different outfits, including two bikini walks.

She was placed in the high end category, often for designer catwalks, rather than the commercial category, often for catalogues, despite being half an inch short of the 5ft 7in minimum height.

Model scouts will be at the finals to cast for London Fashion Week 2014.