POLICE have linked two street robberies in Bicester in which people had mobile phones taken.

Both incidents took place in the town on Saturday night between 10pm and 10.30pm.

In the first, a 20-year-old man, who was walking with his girlfriend, was approached by a group of men in Hemingway Drive and attacked. He suffered a split lip and injury to his eye.

Shortly afterwards a 16-year-old boy, who was with three friends, was involved in a scuffle in an alleyway near the Bure Farm pub, on Bure Park.

Det Sgt Steve Birchall appealed for anyone who witnessed the incidents or who has any information to come forward.

He said: “We have made four arrests in relation to these robberies and there will possibly be further arrests.

“In the first incident someone was assaulted and in the second there was a bit of a scuffle.

“I believe these are not isolated incidents and they are connected.”

Two men, aged 18 and 19, and two boys, aged 13 and 14, have been arrested and bailed by police.

Anyone with information should contact PC4683 Richard Blewitt on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.