Dr Sandalls (ViewPoints, April 2) may be correct in suggesting that other parts of Britain have higher wind speeds than Oxfordshire. That does not necessarily make Oxfordshire unsuitable for wind farms. There is already a well-established and commercially successful wind farm at Watchfield.

Furthermore, anyone who ever witnessed the clouds billowing from Didcot A cooling towers drifting across the sky has seen with their own eyes the evidence of wind at Didcot. Where there is wind that can be harnessed as a power source. Some people (although I do not share their views) regard wind farms as a blot on the landscape. One merit of suggesting the former Didcot A site for a wind farm is that nobody can reasonably regard a wind farm on that site as any more of a blot on the landscape than the cooling towers. CHRIS ROBINS (Cllr) Foxdown Close Kidlington