I WOULD be very grateful if you could publish this letter as I have no other means of thanking a very kind lady who helped me out last Friday. Late in the afternoon, my fiancé, our 11-week-old baby son and I returned to our car parked at the top of the Westgate car park in Oxford city centre.

While loading the car, I accidentally left our son’s changing bag on the floor, the contents including house keys, car keys, a camera and (most importantly to me) his health record booklet and other irreplaceable mementoes from his birth. On arriving at my parents’ home, I immediately phoned the car park’s security, who, after searching where we had been parked, confirmed nothing could be found. We returned to the car park ourselves and searched all the stairwells and bins, fearing the bag had been taken, valuables removed and the remainder dumped. An hour or so later, in the hope that perhaps the finder had telephoned and left a message at our house, my fiancé returned home to be greeted by our neighbour – complete with the changing bag. Whoever the kind lady was that found the bag, she drove out of her way to Chalgrove to try and find us and then left the bag with our neighbours.

Can I please say a very sincere thank you. From fearing the worst, you have restored my faith in human nature. KAYLEIGH BELL Grays Close Chalgrove