LET’S remember Mrs Thatcher for what she did for this country. I first marched against her in 1971 when she was the “milk snatcher” taking free milk from primary school children. As Prime Minister she went on to destroy coal mining and steel communities, sell off council houses and de-regulate finance. The Iron Lady welcomed United States’ nuclear cruise missiles into Britain. She backed apartheid in South Africa and ordered the sinking of the Argentine cruiser ‘Belgrano’ during the Falklands War. Her economic policy of privatisation, cuts in public spending and attacks on trade unions remains with us today. Her infamous poll tax, which l and so many others protested against, led to her eventual downfall. The only thing I ever agreed with Lady Thatcher about was building the Channel Rail Tunnel.

But Maggie Thatcher certainly showed that politics can make a difference and that politicians are not all the same. JOHN TANNER (Labour Cllr) Board Member for a Cleaner, Greener Oxford City Councillor for Littlemore & County Councillor for Isis