A FOOTBALL player needed reconstructive surgery after he was assaulted following a game on Saturday.

Thames Valley Police is investigating the incident which occurred at the end of the match between Headington Amateurs and AFC Hinksey at Barton Recreation Ground.

Spokeswoman Elizabeth Hill said “Officers are seeking individuals following a suspected assault at the end of a football match.

“There have been no arrests but interviews are being carried out and lines of enquiry are continuing.”

The injured Headington player, who has not been named, was taken to Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital for surgery on his face.

He was discharged on Monday.

Headington Amateurs chairman Donald Light said the club was working with the police.

Mr Light said: “It’s not the kind of thing you want to see on a football pitch, especially in front of children, and we will be working hard to make sure any guilty party is brought to justice.”

A spokesman for AFC Hinksey said police had not been in touch but the club would be willing to help once contacted.

Anyone who saw the incident is asked to call police on 101.