A SOCIAL club set up after a street party for the Queen’s Coronation is to celebrate its 60th anniversary.

The Highfield Social Club in Bicester is still going strong after forming in June 1953.

And it is bucking the economic trend that has seen social clubs struggle by boasting more than 3,000 members.

Now it is planning a string of events to mark the birthday of the George Street club.

Founding members were inspired by the success of a children’s street party to mark the Coronation.

Vice chairman Ian Peake remembers the celebrations vividly.

He said: “Due to bad weather, the party was moved into the local scout HQ, a Nissen hut in the grounds of Market End House.

“It was decided there and then that a place for social gatherings and functions was needed.

“A deal was struck with the scouts to share the hut.”

Later the club had to move as the scout hut was demolished. Members approached the then Bicester Urban District Council for help and were given permission to use the former Women’s Land Army Hostel, its current site.

This was demolished and rebuilt in 1996.

Celebrations kick off on May 18 with a Jubilee Ball and, from May 25 to 27, there will be music and entertainment covering the past 60 years.

During that weekend there will also be a Dr Who convention, a children’s olympics, a family fun day with fairground rides, Punch and Judy and music from band Cockney Pride.

Long-serving members will unveil a plaque on June 2.

The club is seeking people with photographs and memorabilia for an exhibition about its history.

Mr Peake said: “We have been quite lucky so far with a good selection of photographs from the 1950s and 60s, including one of the first day, and also some good press clippings from the same period, which certainly starts the story.

l If you can help, call Mr Peake on 07733 300350.