IT comes as no surprise the temporary car park in Marston Road appears to be virtually empty.

It is hard to imagine who would want to use it.

Any shopper going to St Clement’s would need to drive in and then take the world’s shortest bus journey.

If you know you will need to use both bus and car, you might as well use the park-and-ride and go elsewhere rather than visiting the small parade of shops.

Traders have been furious about this development and the loss of their car park since it was first mooted, fearing it would stop people visiting the area.

Their worries appear to be justified.

The provision of a temporary car park and shuttle bus looks to be nothing more than a political PR stunt, aimed at making it appear traders’ concerns have been listened to.

But the evidence suggests people have simply decided it’s not worth the hassle and stayed away.

Our traders need our support more than ever, so we say vote with your feet, get on a bus or in the car, and get down to East Oxford and support local businesses.