A NEW Tesco depot could be one of dozens of businesses creating hundreds of new jobs on the edge of Didcot.

London-based Reef Estates wants to develop a 132-acre site bordered by the former power station, a landfill site and the A4130.

It comes as Tesco announced it was looking to open a dotcom centre in the area, to serve the chain’s online shoppers.

Tesco would not say whether a specific site had been chosen, but the developer said its plans would suit that type of use.

Reef Estates managing director Piers Slater said the site offered 44.9 acres for employment, a further 17.2 acres for farming, and 70 acres for football, rugby, cricket, tennis, and athletics.

He said 750 jobs could be created in the first phase of development, with projected total employment of 2,000 people.

Mr Slater said: “This is a fantastic opportunity offering easy access to Didcot railway station and the Ladygrove estate.

“The site is ideal for development as it is bounded by the power station, A4130, and landfill to the rear.

“Our proposals offer community leisure uses and job creation.

“I know Didcot well and I know there is a major demand for new leisure facilities and new pitches.”

Mr Slater said the site would suit all internet-related distribution uses, and expected demand from the retail and logistics sectors.

“There could be demand from the supermarket sector,” he added.

Tesco said a new depot would not cater for customers at the site, but spokeswoman Beth Greenhouse said the store could employ about 700 staff.

“We can’t provide details yet regarding a specific site,” she added.

The land that Reef Estates wants to develop is close to Didcot, but is in the Vale of White Horse District Council area.

Vale council spokesman Gavin Walton said: “Our development team is not aware of this proposed development and look forward to the developer contacting them.”

Didcot Town Council leader Margaret Davies added: “We have not yet been approached by Reef Estates but we will not rule out any option in our search for recreational land.

“There appear to be quite a number of companies looking to invest, right on the edge of Didcot.”

Last month Mrs Davies revealed that the town council had launched a £1m bid to convert fields on the edge of Didcot into new sports pitches.

Mrs Davies would not reveal the location of this land in case there is a rival bid, but it could become home to the town’s cricket and rugby clubs.