FOR once the recent cold weather came in handy.

A science show for families in Oxford used infrared and thermal imagery to illustrate how visible light works.

Tom and Lily Wooldridge were surprised to see a computerised map of their faces showing two black blocks over their noses – until it was pointed out the cameras were used to detect heat loss and changing blood flow in the skin.

It was soon clear which were the chilliest parts of their faces.

The pupils, pictured, from SS Philip and James Primary School in North Oxford took part in Science Oxford Live’s visible light show in London Place, Oxford, on Thursday.

Mum Janine said Tom, seven, was a budding Brian Cox, and his 10-year-old sister was in her element when taking part.

She said: “One of the best bits was when they put sun-cream on our hands and then put on the UV light so you could see how sun-block worked.”

Tom added: “It was very funny to see our noses all different.”