FANCY supporting the annual Oxford Town and Gown run through the city but less than keen to put in the training hours?

An Oxford restaurateur has come up with a less demanding way to back the event, which has raised more than £1m for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.

From this Friday until the race on Sunday, May 12 , anyone who orders 'Town and Gown mash’ at the Big Bang, Oxford Castle, will be invited to donate a pound to the charity.

The popular carrot and swede mash dish was chosen due to its orange colour – the shade used by the charity.

And whenever anyone buys the Town and Gown special – duck and orange sausages with carrot and swede mash – the restaurant will add an extra pound to the pot.

Owner Max Mason said: “As a local restaurant we get approached about 20 times a day to support things.

“The Town and Gown one stood out because it is one of the most renowned and fun things that happens in Oxford.

“It's just a nice thing to be involved in.”

Mr Mason was a keen runner until he broke his ankle, but has never run the 10k race.

He said: “Once I broke my ankle I couldn't run any more so because of that I am probably keener than ever to make sure that I am contributing to the charity, which I know does a lot of good work in Oxford.

“It's a fabulous event, an incredible number of people and a real level of excitement.”

He said he had no particular fundraising goal but would top it up at the end of the month to ensure a “substantial” contribution.

And it will treat charity volunteer organisers to a feast prior to the race.

Mr Mason will also be selling bangers and mash from a pop-up stall at University Parks, where the race ends, to provide much-needed fuel for runners and their supporters on the day.

He said: “If it's anything like as cold as it has been recently, we will need a good feast out there.”

The Town and Gown run, which starts and finishes in Parks Road, is supported by the Oxford Mail, and is now in its 32nd year. Last year, more than 3,000 runners tackled the course, raising £100,000 for the cause.

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