PEOPLE who walk down Castle Street, or those waiting for buses, cannot fail to notice the traffic problems that occur on a regular basis.

The buses are stationary while picking up passengers in Castle Street and this means buses that want to pass and those coming up to the corner of New Road don’t have a clear view down either way. Furthermore, having the zebra crossing situated right on the corner of Castle Street/New Road is nothing short of ridiculous.

There is a subway below and not used by many people during the daytime or evenings, probably because it’s used as a toilet, especially on evenings and weekends, due to the closure of the Westgate toilets. It doesn’t exactly smell of roses!

Many buses of various companies use this area and it gets very congested during the daytime. To make things worse for pedestrians using Castle Street, there are many dangerous paving slabs which need urgent attention. All the above are outside the county council offices on the corner of New Road.

I’m sure Councillor Rodney Rose (county council executive board member for transport) can see for himself from his office window.

My sympathy goes out to all the bus drivers who have this problem every working day.

COLIN SMITH George Moore Close Oxford