ON Friday, March 22, I attended the annual meetings of both the Northway Social Club and Northway Community Association at the Northway Centre. What a eye-opener to attend two meetings where the business of the two organisations was conducted in a very professional manner.

The association chairman gave a detailed account of the policies they are formulating (health and safety and the like) in order to be compliant with the law and meet the requirements of Oxfordshire County Council. There was also financial planning for the move into a new centre, planned for in a couple of years’ time.

The social club meeting gave details of the financial position and stated they had paid £30,000 to the association through rental payments during the year, plus revenue from room rentals and a gift of a further £10,000 that was the surplus in the social club account.

The social club certainly seems to be the driving force behind most activities that take place on Northway, ably assisted by the association committee, with a full program of entertainment for the year and the association’s 50th anniversary in May – day trips, an open day and other events, hard work for all those involved.

So why all the criticism from Councillor Darke and rumour of closure by OCC? No organisation is perfect, but NCA and NSC seem to serve Northway very well, as Councillor Darke would have known had he been in attendance.

DAVE ROBINSON Meaden Hill Oxford