I WRITE in response to Cllr Van Coulter’s letter (ViewPoints, April 1) concerning the council’s case for building a new swimming pool in Blackbird Leys, and closing Temple Cowley Pools and Fitness Centre.

It is extremely ironic he should talk about others putting forward “misleading information”.

The Campaign to Save Temple Cowley Pools has clearly demonstrated that the information put out by the council in support of its scheme is extremely misleading.

A prime example is how they persist in trying to perpetuate the myth that Temple Cowley Pools was last built in 1938, when they know very well that it was rebuilt, with a completely new swimming pool, in 1987.

Maintenance costs at Temple Cowley have also been the source of much ‘obfuscation’ by the council. It is only recently it has stopped trying to claim that it costs more than £500,000 a year to maintain, and reduced that to the actual figures shown in the accounts, last year being £85,000.

Meanwhile, the council has agreed to pay Fusion, for the brand new pool, £150,000 a year ‘maintenance’.

I believe the council is not “doing what it can” to maintain Temple Cowley – in fact, it is doing “what it can” to run the facility down, despite the continuing popularity, in an attempt to drive usage figures down and hence justify closure.

Cllr Coulter hasn’t taken the time to speak with the Campaign, or to try and understand our motives. We represent the many people who want Temple Cowley Pools to remain open, and our opinion is based on evidence (mostly gained from the council).

Cllr Coulter has only recently taken over his role looking after leisure facilities, so was not involved in the so-called “consultation” process which was nothing of the sort.

The council has never asked the people of Oxford if they want Temple Cowley closed, or where they would go if that happened, or how many people would go to a replacement facility in Blackbird Leys.

I would like to ask Cllr Coulter, if he is so convinced of his arguments and council evidence, to meet with me and other members of the Campaign to discuss what he believes to be correct. If we can be convinced of what he says, we will fully support what the council is trying to do.

NIGEL GIBSON Save Temple Cowley Pools Campaign Dene Road Headington