Oxford East MP Andrew Smith: “I heard the news with sadness and sympathy for her family.

“Mrs Thatcher was a remarkable political leader. Even when opposing some of her policies you could see what a formidable Prime Minister she was. “Her undoubted achievements left a lasting impact on British society and international politics. She was a fiercely combative politician and with that came divisions which are also part of her legacy.”

Henley MP John Howell: “I am very saddened by the news of the death of Lady Thatcher.

“She was an inspiration to me when I was involved in breaking down the barriers of the Cold War.

“One of her enduring legacies is in the way in which market economies and democracy became so firmly embedded in central and eastern Europe.”

Wantage MP Ed Vaizey: “Very sad indeed to hear about the death of Baroness Thatcher.

“A truly great Prime Minister who transformed our country.”

Oxfordshire County Council leader Ian Hudspeth: “I’m very sad to hear about her death.

“The first election I was ever able to vote in was in 1979, and she inspired me. She put the great back into Great Britain at that time, and she taught me that hard work and determination is rewarded.”

Oxford West and Abingdon MP Nicola Blackwood: “Margaret Thatcher was a defining PM for the UK.

“On the doorstep I hear all sorts of views about her leadership but I consistently hear even her harshest critics say with admiration 'you always knew what she stood for and she did what she believed was right’.

“As a young MP that's been quite a lesson for me. She will leave a gaping hole in British political life.”

Former Oxfordshire County Councillor, now Wokingham MP John Redwood: “Margaret Thatcher was the best boss I ever worked for.

“As her chief policy adviser in the mid 1980s I was impressed by the honesty of her approach, her willingness to wrestle with difficult issues and problems. Her prime wish was always to find the right answer that would make things better for the UK.”

Oxfordshire county councillor Jim Couchman, former Tory MP for Gillingham: “When my wife fell ill in 1990 and was taken to hospital, the very same evening she sent a personal note wishing us well and saying she was hoping for a happy outcome. That takes a lot of personal thinking.

“Aside from the Falklands War and the collapse of communism, her lasting legacy was the ‘right to buy’ scheme , which granted tenants of council houses a statutory right to buy homes with discounts.”

South Oxfordshire District Council leader Ann Ducker: “She’s legendary and it’s a very sad day. She showed complete leadership, was very forceful and firmly stood by what she believed in.

“There’s certain sayings we’ll always look back on such as ‘This lady’s not for turning’. She was a revolutionary figure and gave encouragement for women to enter politics.”

West Oxfordshire Conservative Future chairman Liam Walker: “Absolutely devastating news. A true Conservative and truly remarkable woman. RIP The Iron Lady.”