CHILDREN in Oxford are celebrating the “first” birthday of a bustling playground.

Blackbird Leys Adventure Playground reopened a year ago following a two-year closure which many thought was for good.

It started life in 1978 as a basic plot with no main building.

Financial problems forced it to close in December 2009. However, following a fundraising drive by committee members, it was resurrected in March last year.

Now children can play inside and outside, and the facility organisers also take them to theme parks and the seaside.

Playground secretary Sue Price said: “It’s been a wonderfully hectic year and we have built on all the wonderful work of the people who went before.

“So many people living in the estate have put time and effort in over the years, so for us this last year has been building on their great work.”

An open day to encourage more volunteers to come forward will be held at the playground on Friday from 3pm until 4pm.

There will be a chance to view old photos of the playground, enjoy food and join in with the Easter play scheme.

Mrs Price said: “We’re very excited about the open day, and beyond that another 12 months.”

The Gannett Foundation, part of the Oxford Mail’s parent company, gave the playground £6,590 to help it get started and that triggered more funding.

Mrs Price said: “It really helped us get going and get off the ground.

“We’re at the stage now where we’re registered with the Charity Commission and we have a treasurer sorting out our finances.

“In the next year we hope to be able to prove we are sustainable and then we can approach large foundations for more money.

“We want to improve what we can offer as much as possible.

“Even when the weather has been freezing the children have been outside playing in the fresh air. To see them running around like that is great, and it’s got to the stage of development that they are starting to use it and be really creative with the space.”

Retailer Homebase has donated equipment and seeds so the children can turn their sandpit into a garden.

Play leader Alston Quammie, 49, said: “It has been very special to see the playground come back to life.

“The response from the local community in supporting us has been quite something.

“We’ve had a lot of volunteers come forward and ask if they can help out, local people who can put something on their CV if they go looking for their first job or to get back in work.

“We do a lot more arts and crafts here now, and the way we train people has improved.

“Hopefully we will grow even more over the next 12 months and that will start with our open day.”

  • For more information, call the playground on 01865 236646.