AS Ian Cummings’s obsession with me and socialism continues unabated, what a complete mess with his latest contribution.

I quoted Nye Bevan, not Hitler, Stalin or Mickey Mouse. I guess the quote did exactly what it was intended to do.

What a deliberately nasty line, typical of Tories, trying to equate me with calling “millions of decent working people”, vermin and by association a fascist.

Hopefully, most readers will see through it, though it disgusts me.

As a life-long socialist, it’s exactly these people I support, whatever their misguided affiliations.

Not the millionaire Tories who have just benefited from thousands of pounds a month self-imposed tax cuts.

He actually wrote: “The only nasty issue here is extreme political views of hatred, spite and envy.”

Well, I would suggest the main issue is banksters’ bonuses, frozen wages, lost jobs, falling pensions and benefits while the posh boys he supports cripple millions of decent working people with austerity.

To even mention Nye Bevan and Duncan Smith in the same line is abhorrent but to say Bevan would somehow side with the “vermin” opposition is both ignorant of history and fact.

It’s a pity Mr Cummings can’t vent his vile diatribe on the banksters and nasty Tories who support them.

If he’s happy voting for them then history will be the judge, not me. And he’s got the cheek to talk about me and “extremes”.

TIM W SIRET, Millmoor Crescent, Eynsham