IN response to John Brookes’s letter (ViewPoints, February 21) it appears that he has not yet seen the Port Meadow development.

Yes, as he comments, the university should provide more accommodation for their graduates but not at all costs.

There must be a public enquiry to determine quite how this eyesore was allowed through by the so-called planners. I cannot understand why the building work has not yet been halted. It is quite within the powers of the council to do so.

He says the people who are objecting are in the minority. This may be so at present but when the populace begin to come out of hibernation and walk the Meadow they will be shocked, as I was, and object profusely in their hundreds.

As I write there are more than 2,600 signatories on the petition. I signed the petition and am also joining the campaign.

The blocks of flats are in fact extremely ugly and overpowering and have destroyed a famous view. Aesthetic grounds alone are enough to demand a reduction in height to that below the tree line at the very least.

If the work is not halted now then the costs of any compensation will escalate daily.

The university should act responsibly and continue to provide beautiful buildings in Oxford as they have over the centuries. This planning debacle is not set in stone and must be halted now. Come on Oxford City Council, act now before it is too late.


Raymund Road

Old Marston