Changes to two bus routes have left one group of residents feeling cut off and another feeling besieged by buses.

Two new bus-only entrances to the John Radcliffe Hospital, in Headington, Oxford, have meant the Stagecoach number 10 and the Oxford Bus Company's number 13B have been diverted to different streets.

The number 10 now uses a gate in Osler Road, instead of travelling down Headley Way, while the 13B uses Saxon Way instead of Eden Drive and Ambleside Drive.

Residents in Osler Road objected to the plans from the beginning, saying their road was too narrow, while people in Headley Way have been left with no bus service at all.

Lesley Maddock, of Osler Road, said: "They do cause hold ups because there are parking spaces along the road and not enough room.

"I was enraged to find one driving up on the grass verge outside our house. We take great care of our verge and we discourage anybody from parking on it.

"The council say they are not intending to widen the road but they almost certainly will."

Mrs Maddock said queues of traffic were building up when two buses going in opposite directions met on Osler Road because they have to manoeuvre around parked cars and out onto the busy London Road.

She said: "I don't know how they arrange the timetable but they should not pass each other in Osler Road, it is far too narrow."

Headington city councillor David Rundle said: "People in Headington still think it is madness that they are trying to send buses round these roads."

Mr Rundle, who wants the number 10 to return to its original route, said people living in sheltered accommodation off Headley Way had been left out on a limb.

He said: "For the old people living there it is a lifeline, and there are also those who used it to get to work."

Chris Child, a spokesman for Stagecoach, said he had not heard of any problems with getting buses down Osler Road.

He said: "The bus link is helping us immensely.

"From a driver point of view it is going well and it is helping to keep to the timetable because it is taking out the Headley Way traffic lights."

David Edwards, transport manager for the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust, said that despite residents' concerns in the lead up to the change over, there had been very few problems.

He said: "It is saving about five minutes on journey time by avoiding Headley Way and that bit of the London Road."

Mr Edwards said a hold-up caused by a car parked illegally on Osler Road last week had quickly been resolved once parking attendants arrived.