VOLUNTEERING youngsters got stuck in and lent Ma Smith a hand in her soup kitchen.

Twelve young people from Wheatley Park School, in Holton, visited Icolyn ‘Ma’ Smith, 81, who was awarded an MBE in 1998 for providing dinners for the homeless.

On Saturday they chopped and prepared vegetables at the soup kitchen, which has been based in the Asian Cultural Centre in Manzil Way for 22 years.

The visit was organised for members of the school’s youth committee by the Oxfordshire Association for Young People.

Ma Smith said: “It is good to show young people that life is not always how it looks on the surface and there are things happening around them that they should know about.”

Kirsty Rix, 15, from Marsh Baldon, said: “It was really nice to see how they do everything and very exciting. I would definitely go back and help again.”