BERT Lee and George Walker were members of a concert party which raised money for wartime charities.

We were reminded of their musical talents when we published a picture of them, sent in by Sheila Charles, of Wendlebury (Memory Lane, November 12). Several readers instantly recognised them, including another of their concert party, John Blake, of Appleton.

He writes: “The man at the piano is Bert Lee and the man on the left is George Walker, who was works manager of Morris Motors.

“They were members of a concert party who toured Oxford and the provinces in the early part of the Second World War, raising money for charities such as Food Parcels for Prisoners of War.

“Two members are missing from the picture – Bill Sawyer, newsagent in Cowley Road, Oxford, and me – I was called the Boy Singer!”

Mr Lee lived at Chiselhampton, ran the Coach and Horses pub in the village for more than 10 years and was an accomplished pianist.

He played a big part when Oxford was chosen to take part in the popular television programme, Top Town, in the 1950s.

He was the accompanist for the Oxford team and wrote the music for the opening number of their show.

Mr Walker, who lived in Headington and worked at the Cowley car factory for 50 years, was a member of Oxford Operatic Society for 25 years.

He was well known for his love of opera and his fine bass-baritone voice. He and Mr Sawyer often sang duets.

He once said: “I must have played every male role in the Gilbert and Sullivan operas in my time.”