MOST schools chose the traditional Nativity play as their end-of-term production.

But Headington Quarry First School in Oxford opted for a different approach in 1983.

The theme of its play that year was cold, frost and winter – everything to make you shiver.

Perhaps pupils were trying to warn everyone to expect plenty of snow and ice – and even a white Christmas!

The play, a musical, was called simply Jack Frost, and teachers made sure that all 69 children in the school had a part in it.

The pupils told the story of a naughty sunbeam who, with the help of a wizard and others, enjoyed all the fun of winter and Christmas.

In the picture right, the cast are seen with Jack Frost – Sarah Hewitt, eight, standing in the centre.

The play was performed for nursery school and playgroup children, and another show was put on for parents.

Headmistress Heather Blaxill narrated the story, teacher Eleanor Scott organised costumes with the help of parents, and another teacher, Sally Wilson, arranged the music and played the piano.