I AM dismayed that a ceremony organised by Councillor Mick Haines regarding the Marston armed forces and Home Service personnel, who lost their lives in the Second World War, should be used as the basis for an attack on him (ViewPoints, October 29).

It reminds me of previous actions taken against him.

Surely, instead of making childish remarks, Councillors Clarkson and Darke should be working alongside him to make Marston a better place for everyone.

How could Councillors Clarkson and Darke not know about the event, given the publicity? Are they so special that they feel they need a formal invitation, as if they were minor royalty?

Mick works tirelessly for Marston on a daily basis, tackling important issues for our community. Not surprising then that he won a landslide victory over Labour at the last election.

JO BARTLETT, William Street, New Marston, Oxford