A father whose son and two close friends died after a speeding car crashed into their vehicle have criticised Jeremy Clarkson after he claimed to have driven at 186mph on a public road.

The presenter of BBC's Top Gear said he reached the speed while driving in a Bugatti Veyron on the Limehouse Link between central London and Docklands. The comments were made to journalist Rosie Boycott in front of an audience at the Hay Festival in Mid Wales.

When she asked him about driving the super car, Clarkson said: "I got a great speeding ticket. I think it was 186 in the Limehouse Link. Well, somebody did. Obviously it might not have been me."

When asked to clarify the incident, he replied: "No, no - there's too many hacks in here to go any deeper into that."

Later, when asked what was the fastest he had ever driven, he said: "On a public road? 186mph." He added: "The speed limit's annoying for people who have a job to do."

The comments were condemned by Steve Mohabir who was the only survivor of a two-car collision which killed eight other people. Among the fatalities in the crash on the A23 at Pyecombe near Brighton in May 2004 were his two-year-old son Marcus and close friends Kate and Toby Beasley.

The group had been on a day trip to Brighton when a speeding BMW crossed the central reservation and smashed into their Land Rover Freelander. Mr Mohabir's wife had been at a wedding and was not involved in the accident. All five people in the BMW, who were aged between 17 and 20, were killed.

Mr Mohabir said: "Jeremy Clarkson is a very public figure and his job is about cars and motor driving. It is a real disgrace that somebody with such a public appearance cannot do something to make the roads safer for other people. It is a case of bragging and boasting and it is just like something a boy racer would do."

A road safety charity is calling on the BBC to sack Clarkson for his comments. Mary Williams, chief executive of Brake, said: "Jeremy Clarkson is extremely offensive and irresponsible. His comments are very upsetting to loved ones who have suffered a bereavement through a road crash because of a speeding driver. He is the most appalling role model for our next generation of drivers. The BBC should sack him; he is totally out of control."

A BBC spokeswoman added that Clarkson had "not made the remark in response to a direct question".