After missing out on a performance of Steeleye Span at Bangor University, I was keen to see these folk-rock legends, first formed back in 1969, and braved the cold for their performance at the New Theatre.

I think it’s fair to say the concert started at a leisurely pace, and there was no evidence of rock n’ roll whatsoever as the band, led by Maddy Prior, tested out some songs from a work in progress, an album that is to be released later this year.

The band is basing a record on the work of Discworld author Terry Pratchett, a musical version of his Wintersmith novel, and the main focus for the first part of the show was this work-in-progress.

One of the songs, I Shall Wear Midnight, a spooky ballad about a 13-year-old witch, proved to be one of the most memorable numbers of the night.

Then, after being on stage for no more than 35 minutes, Steeleye Span took the odd decision to take a break.

Some folk fans in the audience stayed in their seats while others mooched around in the foyer, contemplating the purchase of a hot drink, something slightly stronger, or an overpriced T-shirt or band CD.

I refused to give in to temptation and returned to my seat in good time for the second half of the concert, hoping for a more convincing performance. Unfortunately it didn’t really happen.

Maddy Prior seemed in pretty good voice, and danced around the stage quite delightfully, but there was no cohesive theme to the music on offer, with Irish jigs and sea shanties followed by songs from America.

There were some lively tunes, including Hard Times of Old England, Bachelor’s Hall, and The First House in Connaught, but after more than four decades it appears that Steeleye Span are still trying to find the best direction for the band to go in.

It’s entirely admirable that they are focusing on something new with the Pratchett-inspired material, but I got the feeling that the audience might have preferred a few more old favourites in the setlist.

Peter Knight’s fiddle-playing was a highlight, although all the band members played well on the night.

I certainly won’t rule out watching Steeleye Span again, although I might try to catch them next time at a festival, when the weather is warmer and the beer is flowing.