DAY IN THE COUNTRY: Sitting in the pouring rain eating our picnic didn't put us off in the slightest. I mean what did you expect?

This is England for God's sake. And it rains in the summer - hard.

Wimbledon and Glastonbury wouldn't know what to do with themselves if the heavens didn't open on a regular basis. But while we excel at the weather, us Brits also love BBQs and picnics, come rain or shine. That quintessential English scene - sausages being burnt to a crisp by a man in a sowester while his family watch through the patio doors..... familiar anyone?

THE SOLUTION: Ordering a picnic is a good way round it, because if it rains and you abandon your concert/play/festival and run home to check that your sandbags are in place, it's just as tasty in the confines of your own four walls.

We discovered this for ourselves when trying out the Carluccio's picnic from the safety of our dining table, having run from the circus tent to our car before we got washed away. The experience was made all the more satisfying because we left other pathetic figures sat scrunched in their Volvos (well it was Gifford's!) passing round home-made bacon and prune rolls, their faces pressed up against the misted windows, wet Labrador shaking itself off in the front seat.

THE PICNIC CONTENTS: Instead, we had antipasti featuring chilli stuffed olives, sun-blush tomatoes, balsamic onions, and a ricotta, marscapone and speck involtini (Italian wrap), without having to lift a finger, except to stuff them in our mouths.

Our main course was meatloaf in a tomato sauce, seasonal salads made with fresh mozzarella, garlicky green beans, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, cold meats, freshly-made Italian breads, delectable summer cakes - lemon and cherry if I remember correctly - some exquisite soft crumbly chocolate biscuit from Piedmont, and delicious Italian cheese, accompanied by a bottle of cold white wine. And the best part - no washing up and a free cool bag to boot.

The kids munched down on the £10 kids picnic which included meatballs, stuzzichini grissini sticks, a small vegetarian pizza, tuna mayonnaise, celery and carrot sticks and Asagio cheese followed by a delicious chocolate sponge bear with some fresh fruit and apple juice. And they thought it was great fun, mainly because mum wasn't stressed out and dad wasn't wet.

SUCCESS? So was it all good? Yes, apart form the meatloaf and meatballs which were too salty. Cost wise the luxury adult hamper is £45 for two, so it's a special occasion only sort of thing, but once in a while, if it makes life easier, why not? All you have to do is order it a few days in advance from either the Bicester or Oxford branch, pick it up on the day and Bob's your dry uncle.

The only problem now of course is having to revert back to soggy egg sandwiches and Walkers crisps, which has been made harder than usual.