Leopardskin carpet in the meeting room, horsehair in the bar and Regency-style decor in the restaurant? That's what I call eclectic.

The club, formerly QI and now owned by A Curious Group of Hotels, is a labyrinth where lead crystal charm is blended with juice bar funkiness. The Corner Club ain't cheap (full membership for over-25s costs £400, plus a £150 admin fee. Out of my league - I dropped in at the CC's invitation). But there's plenty going on, from film screenings to poker nights, comedy and activities for children. Each room has its own character and the atmosphere's snug.

Having sipped exquisite cocktails in the bar, my companion and I moved to the petite restaurant. She picked Tobermory scallops (£10.50) with mousseline potatoes; I had smoked anchovies with salad (£7.50). Both dishes were deftly cooked and the fruit-drenched New Zealand Muddy Water Riesling (£26) suggested by the waiter was just the ticket.

While my companion's main course of grilled chicken with wild garlic mash (£14) was declared sumptuous, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that my equally delicious roast suckling pig with spring greens and apple sauce (£16.50) was a rolled joint of pork, not the medieval carcass I'd envisaged. We finished by sharing a pressed chocolate cake with creme fraiche and chocolate sauce (£5) - even tastier than it sounded.

VERDICT: The place oozes style, but the fees may hurt. However, the club has plans for some sort of bistro on the ground floor, open to the public.