Lack of wheels didn’t stop KATHERINE MACALISTER enjoying the delights of Oxford’s very own bike cafe

There were no sweaty men in lycra when I got to Zappi’s Cafe in St Michael’s Street this week. “You have to come in on a Saturday for that,” the man behind the counter said. “That’s when all the middle-aged women come too,” he added. And you’re telling me because?

If this seems like an unlikely clientele let me explain. Zappi’s is the little cafe perched above Bike Zone and is therefore often full of perspiring cyclists who pop in to check out the new bike kit and fiddle with their helmets, and end up at Zappi’s eating breakfast. Or like me they might visit because they actually fancy a damn good cup of coffee, a slice of their amazing cake or a toastie. There’s not much else on the menu because the Zappi’s kitchen is little more than a kiosk, and yet the place was rammed and it’s one of those quintessential Oxford venues, hidden away behind the cobbled streets.

I can’t count the number of times people have asked if I’ve been there either, its fame surpassing its capacity, not that the cafe part is easy to find, even when you arrive. Battling past the enormous array of bikes, we went upstairs, through the second floor of bikes and there, perched at the end in a white-washed interior with high ceilings, was a light, airy, packed cafe filled with an eclectic crowd of students, artists, pensioners, people tapping away on laptops, and othersenjoying the eclectic view, inside and out.

The range of sandwiches chalked up on a board was fairly limited while managing to be interesting. I opted for the cheese and onion with tomato chutney, while the others tried the New Yorker – cheese, pastrami, gherkin & mustard (£3.20), plus the brie and bacon with cranberry sauce.

The delicious coffee came in small, stout water glasses with a coffee leaf etched on the top of the foam, like a pint of Guinness, while my tea, available in a pot or mug, was very refreshing. And both hit the spot.

We perched at one of the tiny tables and ate our lunch while watching the world go past outside, before charging back to the counter for the cake choice. I went straight for the banan bread like a gorilla on remand. Did I want it toasted with butter? Yes! The others tried the chocolate brownie and the tiffin – the latter a delicious chocolatey, biscuity square of wonderfulness. And again we all hit the jackpot.

My bill for the sandwich, tea and cake came to a stunningly good value £6.70, which for lunch I thought was excellent, sweaty men in lycra or not. Maybe I’ll have better luck next time on that front but in the meantime, it’s worth the trek for the quick fix food and atmosphere alone. Definitely one for the little black book.

  • Zappi’s Bike Cafe is upstairs inside Bike Zone on St Michael’s Street, Oxford.