Just talking to Rowetta is exhausting. She’s lived so many lives already, that trying to keep up with her is a full-time job. But Rowetta knows exactly what she’s doing and where she’s going and is just enjoying the ride.

“YEAH, I have done a lot of things but that probably just means I’m getting old,” laughs Rowetta.

And with her fame reaching new boundaries, she’s also landed the lead role in The Songs of Sister Act with the London Community Gospel Choir, coming to the New Theatre on Sunday.

For those of you who missed Rowetta first time around, to cut a long story short, she toured with The Happy Mondays, lived the Manchester dance scene, appeared on the first X-Factor, had her stint in Rehab for a TV documentary and is now playing Whoopi Goldberg on stage. And she’s loving every minute of it.

“X-Factor was great,” she says. “And I only went on it because I loved Simon Cowell. So I didn’t tell anyone I was going to the auditions and luckily Simon loved me, and so did the public. And I’ve been working ever since, so I can only say positive things about it.

“The only downside was my ex-husband appearing out of the woodwork and selling his story to the tabloids. So when they offered me the rehab TV show I went for it, because I hated being thought of as a victim, and counselling was part of the offer.

“Plus it was done in a very respectful way, which was important to me. So I had counselling and came off the booze and it was brilliant.

“And now I’m in Sister Act and I don’t black out and I really look after myself, and my voice, and I love it.”

But hang, on, back up a bit. How hard was the rehab and didn’t Rowetta mind her personal life being played out in front of millions of people?

“Well my ex-husband had time to tell everyone his story, so naturally I wanted to tell mine,” she says.

“And from my children’s point of view they would rather have a happy, sober mum than a sad one. Not that I ever admitted to myself I was depressed but I used to get down about my ex-husband.

“And now that I’ve done it I feel like a different person and I’m not drinking a bottle of whisky a day and I’ve stopped smoking, so I feel great.”

So come on there must be something Rowetta struggles with?

“The only downside is being recognised in Tesco’s every day. Not because I mind being caught without my make-up on, but because people expect me to be the bubbly person they saw on X-Factor and not the quiet person I am when I’m at home.”

But with the Sister Act tour coming to an end, Rowetta is already preparing for the next chapter in her life story: “I’ve got producers coming to me wanting to work with me.

“And we’ve just recorded some new dance tracks, so in the summer I’m off to Japan and Ibiza to promote them, and I have a radio show with Ozzy Osbourne’s nephew, so at 43 they are coming to me,” she laughs.

And what has she replaced the drinking with?

“Shopping. Bicester Village anyone?”

The Songs of Sister Act is at the New Theatre on May 31. Box Office 0844 8471588.