OXFORDSHIRE’S most famous gang is serving up a refreshing tonic of music, song and dance to beat those credit crunch blues.

The sheer enthusiasm of the 190 or so Brownies, Cubs, Scouts and Guides from units around the county shines through from the moment the curtain goes up at the Oxford Gang Show, a variety spectacular at the New Theatre, Oxford, sponsored by the Oxford Mail.

While a few rough edges are inevitable, this year’s show, directed by Kim Griffiths, lifts the performance bar in terms of the chorus numbers and choreography.

The opening number requires precision timing and concentration.

The gang slowly move to form patterns on the stage, which at one point cleverly spells out the initials OGS, while performing songs made famous by the show’s late founder Ralph Reader.

Afterwards the junior gang spend a day at the seaside. Dressed in 1920s outfits they present a lively and colourful song and dance routine, performed in front of beach huts, a Punch and Judy show and a lighthouse.

Among the other 12 routines is Street Fusion which showcases the senior gang’s dancing skills with a mixture of street dance and salsa styles, while in Museum the exhibits come to life before your eyes.

The show covers a wide spectrum of music, ranging from A Rollicking Band of Pirates We from Gilbert and Sullivan to Thin Lizzy hit The Boys are Back in Town.

There is no shortage of comedy too, with well-scripted sketches including a send up of the television series Take Your Pick. Another humorous offering, Home Wreckers, focused on the appalling skills of three workmen and was performed to the song Right Said Fred. Equally hilarious was Channel Hopping.

But the gang leave the best till last – a finale featuring a song specially written by the show’s assistant director Paul Cox.

So why not support the best gang in town and book a seat for an evening of great family entertainment. The show continues nightly until Saturday when there is also a matinee at 2pm.